(click aici pentru limba romana)
The IARPP Romanian Chapter, in its third year of existence, continues the activities begun in previous years. This is happening in conditions the whole world knows about, of tension generated by humanitarian disasters that, at least for the time being, have bypassed our country. We always hear about people we know, sometimes even colleagues, who go to the affected regions to lend a helping hand; the rest of us are working with the direct or secondary effects of such a situation.
Thus the line of studies continuing in 2023 within the Romanian Chapter concerns the basic texts of the relational perspective and aims to provide a basis of understanding, both for the historical evolution of relational thinking and to strengthen the specific relational language among psychotherapists in Romania and thus to develop truly relational affinities.
To do this, we take care that every text we study is translated into Romanian, and sometimes discussions are opened about the appropriate ways of translating some expressions. This line of study was opened last year with Mitchell and Greenberg’s Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, studying one chapter per month, and this year continues with the articles in the relational volume, Emergence of a Tradition, edited by Mitchell and Aron. We hope that this kind of continuity will also provide a sense of internal relational coherence.
At the same time, we intend to resume the live interactions that we have become unaccustomed to, because soon after this chapter was established, the pandemic imposed its limits. Thus, in 2023 we plan to organize psychoanalytic-cultural film evenings in which members of our association will meet again physically, in a relaxed atmosphere, with film as a motif, psychoanalysis as a language and the desire to be together as a background.
Valentin Miu, President
Valentin Miu, Psy.D.
Bucharest, Romania
Email Valentin Miu
IARPP Romanian Chapter isi continua, in cel de-al treilea an de existenta, activitatile incepute anii trecuti. Acest fapt se intampla in conditiile despre care intreaga lume stie acum, de tensiune generata de catastrofele umanitare care, cel putin deocamdata, au ocolit tara noastra. Aflam mereu despre oameni pe care ii stim, uneori chiar colegi, care pleaca in regiunile afectate pentru a da o mana de ajutor, iar pe de alta parte, noi ceilalti, lucram din plin cu efectele directe sau secundare ale unei atare situatii.
Astfel, linia de studii care continua in anul 2023 in cadrul Chapterului Romania se refera la textele de baza ale perspectivei relationale si urmareste sa ofere o baza de intelegere, atat pentru evolutia istorica a gandurii relationale in psihanaliza, cit si sa consolidere limbajul specific relational printre psihoterapeutii din Romania si, astfel, sa dezvolte afinitati cu adevarat relationale.
Pentru a face acest lucru, avem grija ca fiecare text pe care il studiem sa fie tradus in romana si, uneori, se deschid discutii despre modalitatile potrivite de traducere a unor expresii. Aceasta linie de studiu a fost deschisa anul trecut cu lucrarea lui S.Mitchell si J.Greenberg – Object relations in psychoanalytic theory, studiind cate un capitol pe luna, iar anul acesta continua cu articolele din volumul relational – Emergence of a tradition, editat de S.Mitchell si L.Aron. Speram ca acest tip de continuitate sa ofere si un sens al coerentei interne relationale.
In acelasi timp, intentionam sa reluam interactiunile live cu care nu am apucat sa ne obisnuim din pricina ca imediat dupa ce acest Chapter a fost infiintat, pandemia si-a impus limitele Astfel, in 2023 avem proiectul de a organiza seri psihanalitic-culturale de film in care membrii asociatiei noastre sa se re-intalneasca fizic, intr-o atmosfera relaxata, avand ca motiv filmul, ca limbaj psihanaliza si ca fond, dorinta de a fi impreuna.
Valentin Miu, Presedinte
Psih.Valentin Miu
Bucuresti, România
Email Valentin Miu