From the President

Dear IARPP Members,

The current world is crossed by very deep crises and by very strong drives towards polarization. I think that Relational thinking is very important to maintain a steady and divergent voice of trust and commitment for a balanced and respectful coexistence at many levels of our lives.

We will have the opportunity to exchange ideas on these issues once again in the next May Colloquium, in which we will discuss a paper on the collective aspects of individual subjectivity which also touches upon the intersecting of the personal and the political.

We are just a few months away from our annual conference in Valencia. I invite everyone to register and participate, as much as possible in person. In these recent years we have missed a lot a human contact in person. Thanks to the precious opportunities provided by technologies, a fundamental sense of connection has been maintained, but finding ourselves together in the beautiful and welcoming Valencia will be a powerful and invigorating experience.

I would like to underline here how the co-chairs and the Spanish local committee – despite the short time to organize in less than a year what usually requires at least two – are working with great generosity and enthusiasm and therefore deserve all the support and appreciation of the IARPP community at large.

I wait for you in Valencia.

Very warmly,

Susanna Federici
IARPP President

Susanna Federici, Ph.D.
Rome, Italy
Email Susanna Federici