Psyche and Soul: Psychoanalysis, Spirituality and Religion in Dialogue

A New Book Series

Edited by Jill Salberg (USA), Melanie Suchet (USA), and Marie Hoffman (USA)

We are pleased to announce a new book series to be published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, Psyche and Soul: Psychoanalysis, Spirituality, and Religion in Dialogue, edited by Jill Salberg, Melanie Suchet, and Marie Hoffman. We envision this book series as exploring the intersection of, and promoting scholarship and dialogue amongst, the disciplines of psychoanalysis, spirituality, and religion. Our aim is to provide a platform for the vast and expanding interconnections, mutual influences, and points of divergence amongst these disciplines. We will not limit ourselves to Judaism, Christianity, or Islam, the major western Abrahamic traditions. Rather, we hope to expand and include Eastern religions, contemplative studies, mysticism, and philosophy. Our aim is to be inclusive and dynamic, to create scholarly and thoughtful investigations that plumb the depths of human experience and personal meaning making, while holding the tension inherent in straddling these different perspectives. Manuscripts will be considered that appeal to a wide variety of audiences: academic professionals, clinical practitioners of all levels, members of the clergy/spiritual leaders, and lay persons.

The Psyche and Soul book series aspires to create a home for new intellectually rich and creative contributions. It addresses the growing interest in integrating psychoanalysis with mystical and religious traditions, as evidenced by the burgeoning field of mindfulness studies by psychoanalysts. Psychoanalysis has always had a revolutionary aspect, a progressive drive toward understanding what lies at the margins as well as the center. Bridging the gaps, opening the vistas, and responding as well to increasing societal yearnings for more soul in psyche, this book series aims to cross disciplines in the hope that this interdisciplinary approach will promote a more fluid interpenetration of ideas. Subject areas may include, but are not limited to: psychoanalysis as a spiritual journey; the role of religion in the work of the founders of psychoanalysis; psychoanalytic investigations of faith, text study, forgiveness, and reconciliation; questions of God and the role of God in the psychoanalytic context; explorations of transference and transcendence; metaphors of transformation; personal and spiritual journeys; convergences of science and spirituality; and clinical aspects of religious beliefs.



salbergphoto1115wJill Salberg, PhD, ABPP
155 West 71st Street, Suite 1D
New York, NY 10023
Email Jill Salberg




suchetphoto1115wMelanie Suchet, PhD
124 West 79th Street, Suite 1C
New York, NY 10024
Email Melanie Suchet





hoffmanphoto1115wMarie Hoffman, PhD
Brookhaven Center
2307 Cove Rd.
Fogelsville, PA  18051
Email Marie Hoffman