
(click aici pentru limba romană)

Dear colleagues of the IARPP community,

Romania has recently gone through the most difficult pandemic period from the beginning to nowadays. The number of infected persons in September-October increased sharply, and also the number of deaths. Only in recent weeks, after severe restrictions, and as the number of vaccinated persons increased, has the number of infections decreased. The number of deaths remains high, and this brings much concern but also greater unity – concern and unity that we see also in other parts of the world.

During the period since our last report, the IARPP Romania Chapter has kept alive its enthusiasm. We have continued activities aimed at studying the theoretical bases of the relational perspective. We read and discussed together Mitchell and Greenberg’s book within our program “Relational Explorations,” open to all APPR members.

We have continued holding seminars with Peggy Crastnopol (USA), which will run until July 2022, and we successfully organized and have been conducting a small Ogden study group.

Our association is raising interest among various sectors of the Romanian education system. With the increased importance and expansion of online platforms, we are collaborating with various non-profit organizations to create educational opportunities for primary classes in emotional education.

Approaching the end of this difficult year, we wish you all peace in your homes and families, to be healthy and full of hope.

Valentin Miu
President, IARPP-Romania

Valentin Miu, PsyD
Bucharest, Romania
Email Valentin Miu



Dragi colegi din comunitatea IARPP,

Romania a trecut prin cea mai dificila perioada pandemica de la inceput pana in prezent. Numarul imbolnavirilor in septembrie-octombrie a crescut brusc si odata cu el, numarul deceselor. Abia in ultimele saptamani, dupa masuri de restrictie severa, numarul celor vaccinati a crescut, numarul infectarilor a scazut. Inca numarul deceselor se mentine  ridicat si asta aduce multa ingrijorare, dar si o mai mare unitate, ingrijorare si unitate pe care o vedem si in alte parti ale lumii.

De-a lungul ultimei perioade de la ultimul raport, Chapterul IARPP Romania si-a pastrat viu entuziasmul in studiu. Am continuat activitatile care vizeaza studiul bazelor teoretice ale perspectivei relationale. Am citit si discutat  impreuna cartea lui Mitchell si Greenberg, in cadrul deja cunoscutului program “Explorari relationale”, deschis tuturor membrilor APPR.

Am continuat seminarul cu Peggy Crastnopol (Statele Unite), care se va defasura pana in iulie 2022. Am organizat si  desfasurat cu succes pana la aceasta data un  mic grup de studiu Ogden.

In asociatia noastra creste interesul pentru diverse aspecte ale sistemului de invatamant din Romania. Odata cu extinderea importantei platformelor online de educatie, suntem in colaborare cu diferite ONG-uri pentru organizarea unor variante educative pentru clasele primare in privinta educatiei emotionale.

Ne apropiem de finalul acestui dificil an si ne dorim si va dorim tuturor sa aveti liniste in casele si familiile voastre sa fiti sanatosi si plini de speranta.

Valentin Miu
Președinte, IARPP-România

Psih.Valentin Miu
Bucuresti, România
Email Valentin Miu