International Chapter Committee

We are pleased to report that our international community is expanding and there are several new chapters in the planning stage. We hope to bring you news of these later in the year. In this Bulletin we share reports from Argentina, Australia, Chile, Greece, Mexico and Portugal.

Reading and study groups, workshops, and seminars on relational theory and practice are an important part of the activities of most chapters and continue to draw enthusiastic participation. A great range of topics and presenters (both local and international) is described in reports from Mexico, Argentina, Portugal, Greece, Chile and Australia. Greece-Athens chapter is also organizing regular peer supervision groups. The use of online real-time video seminars and workshops is now becoming a more readily available and reliable resource, enabling chapter members to learn directly from and interact with teachers from across the globe. In this Bulletin, Greece-Thessaloniki and Australia report on their current online seminar programs, and there is an invitation from Australia to members in other countries to join in on Zoom. There is also a report on a recent very successful series of conferences in Chile and on plans for participation in events with other institutes over the next few months in Portugal and Argentina.

Warm regards,

Marianne Kennedy (Australia) and Juan Francisco Jordan (Chile)

Marianne Kennedy, MA (Australia)
Email Marianne Kennedy





Juan Francisco Jordan, MD (Chile)
Email Juan Francisco Jordan