Report from the Webinar Committee

The Web Seminar Committee began the year with the Candidates Webinar, co-sponsored by the IARPP Candidates Committee.

Gianni Nebbiosi

Led by Gianni Nebbiosi (Italy) and Susanna Federici-Nebbiosi (Italy) and expertly moderated by John Skrovan (USA), the participants engaged in a nuanced discussion of Gianni and Susi’s concept of mimetic understanding in contemporary relational psychoanalysis.

Susanna Federici

The candidates participating in this webinar hailed from 15 countries, including new participants from Finland, Poland, The Russian Federation, Romania, and Peru, in addition to candidates who joined us from countries more regularly represented in our webinars.


Donnel Stern

In March we featured a webinar led by Donnel Stern (USA) and co-moderated by Micha Weiss (Israel) and Christina Emanuel (USA) in which the group discussed two of Don’s papers: his classic “Relational Freedom and Therapeutic Action” as well as “Field Theory in Psychoanalysis, Part 2:  Bionian Field Theory and Contemporary Interpersonal/ Relational Psychoanalysis,” both published in 2013. Taking up both clinical and theoretical concerns, the participants in this lively webinar addressed Stern’s approach to the interpersonal field in clinical psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, especially its emergent qualities. Don was an exceptionally engaging webinar presenter who thoughtfully addressed the questions and comments posed by the participants, contributing to a rich learning experience for all.

Looking ahead, we are planning an Italian-language webinar this fall on the topic of gender violence, featuring presenter Maria Silvia Soriato (Italy). Subsequent webinars in the planning stages will feature Hazel Ipp (Canada) and Malcolm Slavin (USA), Stephen Seligman (USA), and others. We are also anticipating a webinar in Spanish, as well as one programmed in conjunction with the Child, Adolescent, and Parent Psychotherapy Committee.

We hope all IARPP members will consider participating in our webinars, as they offer a unique learning opportunity for our international community.

Christina Emanuel (USA) and Carmine Schettini (Italy), Co-Chairs

Carmine Schettini, MD (Italy)
Email Carmine Schettini





Christina Emanuel, PsyD (USA)
Email Christina Emanuel